Wednesday, October 17, 2012

10 things I need to do before I die

1.   At one point or the other, I want to be heavily involved in photography, especially nude photography. Our body is an art piece and I want to capture its wonders and marvel at the finished work. Be photographed nude, too.
2.   Live in Italy but life probably will be too twisted for me to ever live out this one single persistent dream of mine. Paris is not the city of love for me, Italy is. I think all the hottest salt and pepper macho men reside there and I want to watch beautiful people putting a fork full of homemade pasta coated evenly with homemade basic tomato sauce with fresh basils in their mouth.
3.   Be at my slimmest and fittest. When I was young, I couldn't be bothered to be fit and sexy. I was okay being the geek and now I want to look sexy in all dresses I wear but I never have the time to go for a run. In all the madness we face in life, I hope I will be able to squeeze a little time for my body because I really need to know what it feels like to be smokin’ hot.
4.   Write a children’s book and take it as a challenge, and if I manage well, eventually become a children’s book author. I am the last person who can spin tales of flying dragons and talking dustbins and what has children’s book got, but I have got one hell of a mind. I hope the inspiration will earlier than later because one day, I want to read the books I wrote to my babies as bedtime stories.
5.   Run out of pages in my passport before its expiry date which directly infers to travel vastly, anywhere and everywhere. I don’t need luxury, I don’t want luxury. I want cheap backpacking and tons of adventures and memories.
6.   To make a concrete wall of things I want to achieve, we want to achieve and follow it to the letter. In year 2013, we will achieve this much and in 2014 this and the years go on. Be ardent of all that we want to get achieved by certain time in our life.
7.   Being in the professional world of writers and making a living out of writing, I want to be known by someone who has never met me before through my words. I hope in one way or another to have struck a chord with someone with something I have written, especially, something which I took great efforts to   produce.
8.   Be educated, land a job I love so much I don’t mind not getting paid, have a beautiful home with a really huge kitchen, floor to ceiling windows and different designs of coffee mugs just because I know I will not be able to choose one design out of all the pretty mugs (I am quite the cup fanatic), get married for real, have lots of babies and grow old together with my husband, through thick and thin.
9.   This is one of those far-fetched dreams but opening a small, relaxing café in Nepal has got to be the best thing I can ever do for myself after I am done with dealing with anyone and everyone in the professional world and the world of money. I just want to create a small hub where people can come together to enjoy good coffee, good treats of food and ambiance,  where money is the secondary issue. I want to give people a place where they want to come back over and over again. A place where love can be found and inspirations struck and executed. I want to make a place where you become the person you really are, a place where you can reveal your true skin. I would particularly struggle for this because it will give me the opportunity to meet people from all walks of life, be able to create food that makes them happy and nothing is as wonderful as walking into a café with the smell of freshly brewed coffee and baked goods. I know I will have a small area just meant for me and I know that place will be my most favorite spot in the world. I will probably want to disappear into this little café of mine.
10. Finally, the most important one is to be happy and satisfied with wherever I am at life even if I have achieved nothing in life. 


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